Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Where is the pride of university in Kenya?????
               I am writing this as an individual who experiences the current situation in universities of Kenya.
It is very sad after studying very hard to score an A in KCSE to make it to a university. I am a third year student, after all that I have seen I am strongly convinced that the Kenyan universities have lost the pride and the value they used to have five years ago. If you are prudent enough, you’ll support me based on the following facts:
             Unemployment to graduates has become a usual thing. It’s very sad that after all the four or five years of study to get a job, a graduate ends up hawking in the streets, commuting or  being a turn boys in "matatus".It is the so called “connection” that gives you a job nowadays and not your certificate. Jobs are not advertised, instead people invite their nearest and dearests when opportunities arise, yet a first class graduate tarmacs for five years.
                       Strikes and Demonstrations have become a certainty in every semester. Look for example, the year 2015 we had Maseno, JKUAT, MMUST, JOOUST, Laikipia, UoN, TUK all out in the streets in demos., But what we should ask is why does this happen? If you investigate the root cause of these demos, you realize that it must be a minor election tension, electricity blackout, or water problem that instigates students to take to the streets. To make it funny is that this happens almost at the end of semesters. As a student, I know these demos are just a result of brokenness, tiredness or students don’t want exams.
                   The higher education loans board(HELB) does not serve students in time and appropriately. You find the semester has begun but the students’ loan take about 6 weeks to be processed, yet it should help them to pay fees to book hostels or register for units not to forget accommodation. So this has brought suffering to students who end up stealing other fellows; laptops , phones and even clothes .The amount awarded has also become so little that doesn’t even meet student’s needs. For instance a student with both parents but who are unable receives Ksh.17500 in a semester. The fee for the semester like in Maseno University is Ksh.23650. The loan itself cannot pay the whole fee, so this student is forced to find a way to clear the fee and sort his accommodation. To make matters worse is that you can’t sit an exam with even a balance of 1 bob.
              Accommodation of students in the hostels is nowadays a thing of backdoor connection. The available hostels are not even half of the admitted students. Too many students are admitted, but not as many hostels. The double-intake has ruined everything. At least the freshers are luckier to be given rooms, but how about the continuing students? They have found it had to find places to stay, and this has led to exploitation of the students buy landlords e.g. I know of student who pays 36000 for rent in a semester and you can’t do anything about it.
                 Substandard teaching and syllabus coverage is another menace today. I study computer science but there has never been a unit where we are taught even half of what we need to know, For instance I am in third year yet I have never even stepped into a networking lab, I have never seen even a router yet I am expected to graduate in years’ time. Recently the Nairobi aviation was brought to light for awarding certificates to students who practically know close to nothing and that are what goes on even in other universities. where are we heading to surely?
                     Scholarship programs have ceased. Unlike in the past where if you excelled , you were easily taken to study in the japan, china, US etc., nowadays there’s just nothing like that. You study computer science and get first class and remains here without any further studies if you can’t afford the means.
                  I am very concerned about the higher education situation in Kenya and I would love to see an improvement in the above areas I have addressed for Kenya to achieve vision 2030.

Monday, 11 January 2016


  1. Launch adobe photoshop if you don't have the application, download the latest version here
  2. Navigate to file menu, open then browse the directory where your image is. You can also drag and drop the image to the canvas directly.
  3. use the quick selection tool to select the part of the image you want to trim until the part is selected according to your desire.
  4. you can also use the magic wand tool, though it doesn't select as neatly as quick selection.
  5. if quick selection doesn't work well with the image , use  lasso tools; magnetic, lasso, and polygonal lasso to select .whichever suits you best
  6. click on select menu and select inverse. 
  7. use the command CTRL +X to cut the inverse, make sure to set the background color to either black or white, whichever you want.

  1. If you selected a white background from the color pallete, you end up with a white background of your image.
  2. to make it better, zoom the image and use the  marquee tool  to select the area to rub and use the rubber tool to rub the parts that are not okay.
  3. Change the rubber size to fit the part that is being rubbed
  4. n there you go, you can now set your whatsapp profile pic